Welcome to Three Hearts at Home. I’m a proud mama to two beautiful girls. Before becoming a wife and a mother I studied interior design, graduated, did some soul searching, then became a preschool teacher (3 year olds have my heart!)
When people ask me what I do now, my answer is always changing. I’m a full time house manager, chef, domestic engineer, and CEO, aka “Mama”. For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be a mother. I saw it as the most beautiful and special job in the entire world. After having my first baby, I realized that I was right! It IS the most beautiful and special job in the entire world. What I wasn’t prepared for was how challenging motherhood would be at times. I have been tried and tested emotionally, physically, and spiritually in ways I would have never imagined. And I think that is a part of what makes motherhood so special. Having my girls has formed me into the person I was always meant to become. My babies have taught me what true love looks like.
Becoming a mother also helped me discover what I am passionate about. I am passionate about bringing women together, lifting each other up, and helping others learn from my mistakes. That’s what Three Hearts at Home is here to accomplish. It’s a space where we can learn, relate, laugh, and realize that we’re not at all alone on this journey called motherhood!